Damned if we do, damned if we don’t: the challenges of a return to the office for women
Thought Piece advice Kate Shanks Thought Piece advice Kate Shanks

Damned if we do, damned if we don’t: the challenges of a return to the office for women

Photo by Sarah Chai: https://www.pexels.com/photo/young-working-mother-cuddling-baby-and-using-laptop-at-home-7282818/

The return to physical workplaces post-pandemic poses unique challenges for women, stemming from historical inequalities and increased caregiving responsibilities. While remote work offered flexibility, the burden of childcare and household duties fell disproportionately on women. With more emploers now asking people to return to the office, what does the future workplace for women look like?

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Navigating change with unity and purpose
Kate Shanks Kate Shanks

Navigating change with unity and purpose

How internal communications plays a pivotal role through business transformation, designing the blueprint of the journey and building trust, a culture of openness and and amplifying engagement and ownership.

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