Emotional intelligence is the internal comms skill that matters most
Sophie talks about EQ on the blog today, sharing her view that it’s the most important IC skill out there.
Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/two-yellow-emoji-on-yellow-case-207983/
Cutting through the noise – make more impact with your internal comms
Sophie talks about cutting through all that internal comms noise and shares some tips for doing just that.
Photo by Jens Mahnke: https://www.pexels.com/photo/megaphone-speakers-on-wooden-post-776153/
AI: the Internal Communicator’s friend – or foe?
Sophie explores the pros and cons of AI and its use to internal comms professionals and businesses alike as it continues to improve and evolve at great speed!
Photo by Tara Winstead: https://www.pexels.com/photo/robot-pointing-on-a-wall-8386440/
The role of internal comms in shaping employee experience
Sophie talks about employee experience; what it is, who's in charge of it and how IC can support it.
The right to disconnect: what the government’s plan to reduce burnout at work means for internal comms
Photo by Nothing Ahead: https://www.pexels.com/photo/anonymous-person-with-tv-remote-7400908/
Sophie talks about the government's plans to give people the right to disconnect from work and what it might mean for internal comms.
Resilience at work: why it’s not about the individual but the team
Kate talks about a brilliant Company Doctor podcast she listened to all about resilience and thinks about how to build it in the workplace.
Photo by Ann H: https://www.pexels.com/photo/resilience-text-on-pink-ink-6980524/
Beyond the pitch: what business can learn from England’s footballers
The world cup and business - what have they got to do with each other? Rather a lot actually! Look we know it’s cliche, but we had to do it…
Unpacking the Edelman Trust Barometer: what it means for Internal Comms
Sophie talks about the Edelman Trust Barameter and what to think about this year’s results from n IC perspective.
Photo by gryffyn m: https://www.pexels.com/photo/potted-plant-with-barometer-on-books-5044001/
No, we don’t do PR: defining what Internal Comms really does
Kate writes about what IC isn’t - and what it is, and how to set people straight when they make assumptions!
Photo by Bogdan Semenchuk: https://www.pexels.com/photo/crossed-wires-with-bulbs-against-purple-sky-8677357/
2024 internal comms unboxed: comms audits, listening leaders & the strategy shuffle
Our lovely team on our Christmas do last week. Yes, we know it’s Janury - but we’ve been busy!
How to make AI work for you in 2024
Kate thinks about the benenfits that AI can bring to Internal Comms and how we’ll be using it (and helping to shape it) this year.
Photo by Tara Winstead: https://www.pexels.com/photo/an-artificial-intelligence-illustration-on-the-wall-8849295/
Reflections on 2023
Kate and Sophie reflect on a busy 2023 in their Internal Comms world, and share excitement for the year ahead.
DEI in the Workplace: A Decade of Transformation
Kate Shanks writes about the evolution of DEI in the workplace and her opinion on what company’s can do to improve it in the future.
Want your employees to love what they do? Here’s how.
We loved HBR’s article last week about designing work that people love! We’re just hoping it catches on soon..
The call for a four-day working week is getting louder - are you on board yet?
Kate discusses the pros and cons of a four-day working week as companies pilot it across the UK.